Michel Fau

Recently added

Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool

May. 21, 2003

Swimming Pool

A British crime novelist travels to her publisher’s upmarket summer house in Southern France to seek solitude in order to work on her next book. ...
9 Month Stretch

9 Month Stretch

Sep. 07, 2013

9 Month Stretch

Ariane Felder is pregnant! This is surprising with her being a young hardened judge with strict morals. But what is more surprising is that, ...


Sep. 16, 2015


Paris in the 1920s. Marguerite Dumont is a wealthy woman with a passion for music and the opera. For years, she has performed regularly for a ...
The Most Assassinated Woman in the World

The Most Assassinated Woman in the World

Set against the backdrop of the infamous Theatre Grand Guignol the story revolves around iconic actress Paula Maxa – the most famous of the Grand ...
Paris Pigalle

Paris Pigalle

Sep. 19, 2018

Paris Pigalle

Paris, 1982. Franck and Serge are police investigators in charge of making a good catch in the Parisian porn industry. In order to infiltrate the ...