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Easy Money: Hard to Kill

Easy Money: Hard to Kill

JW is serving hard time in prison and struggling to get back on an honest path. There are glimmers of hope in his life – some venture capitalists ...
The Keeper of Lost Causes

The Keeper of Lost Causes

Denmark, 2013. Police officers Carl Mørck and Hafez el-Assad, sole members of Department Q, which is focused on closing cold cases, investigate ...
The Absent One

The Absent One

Oct. 02, 2014

The Absent One

Denmark, 2014. A former police officer asks Carl Mørck, head of Department Q, to find out who brutally killed his young twins in 1994. Although a ...
Child 44

Child 44

Mar. 15, 2015

Child 44

Set in Stalin-era Soviet Union, a disgraced MGB agent is dispatched to investigate a series of child murders — a case that begins to connect with ...
The Commune

The Commune

Jan. 14, 2016

The Commune

A funny and moving story of family and free love set in a freewheeling 1970s commune. When Anna and Erik inherit a huge house, they gather a ...
A Conspiracy of Faith

A Conspiracy of Faith

Mar. 03, 2016

A Conspiracy of Faith

Denmark, 2016. A blurred note is found in a bottle that has traveled across the ocean for a long time. After deciphering the cryptic note, ...
The Nile Hilton Incident

The Nile Hilton Incident

Cairo, 2011. A police officer investigates the murder of a woman in a luxurious hotel in the days leading up to the Egyptian revolution.